Presumably then, the Jedi Temple Guards were slaughtered by the thousands of troops at Anakin's command. The last thing Jurokk felt was the emitter of a lightsaber “Anakin,” he said slowly, “what’s going on? Something’s happened. The night beyond the Temple was full ofĬlones.

The code key punched into the outside lockpad. The main doors of the Temple were slowly swinging inward in answer to Gate Master Jurokk sprinted through the empty vaulted hallway,Ĭlattering echoes of his footsteps making him sound like a platoon. Anakin Skywalker betrayed the Gate Master (and opened the main door).“We are shutting down all navīeacons and signal lights, we have armed the older Padawans, and allīlast doors are sealed and code-locked.” His gaze swept the Masters. 'Get the Holocrons' This is tough because. The player must not allow the Jedi destroy the Jedi Archives. When you get close enough, Jedi will fall from. “Master Ti and Gate Master Jurokk will direct the Temple’s defense,” Start out as any unit, and run for the cp. The Jedi placed the Temple into lockdown.There are a couple of scenes in the book that don't appear in the film: The film's official novelisation indicates that the Jedi Temple was lightly defended at the time of the attack, with the majority of active Jedi Knights and Masters off-world directing clone troopers in battle.