
Ninja Gaiden Sigma, the PS3 Updated Re-release of the Xbox remake, has you switching between Ryu and Rachel at certain points in the game.The Mission Impossible 1997 video game on the Nintendo 64 and Playstation has one level where you take control of two snipers to protect Ethan Hunt from assassins.have moved on, and thinking she's the famed Hero of Time despite having No Sense of Direction. Legends and Definitive Edition add other instances, like Linkle's sidequests at various points throughout the main story wherein she's cleaning up any mooks left behind after Link, Zelda and co. Then, just as everything seems to have been cleared up, the game switches to following Ganondorf and his forces as he establishes himself as the actual antagonist of the game. The Legend of Zelda game Hyrule Warriors follows the exploits of the Hyrulean forces dealing with the threat brought about by Cia for the majority of the story.After beating Hotline Miami, you get one last set of chapters as The Biker, a Boss you defeated in the chapter 'Neighbors'.

If the game is an RPG and the new character has to start all the way back at level 1 this can be somewhat annoying as it means that you will have to Level Grind to get them back to being useful. If not and the story never goes back to the original character then they may have been the Decoy Protagonist. If you're lucky, all the characters will meet and party up for payoff later.